Month: December 2017
100 Word Challenge-Week 13
The year was 1872, my team and I were traveling through the Jungles of Borneo. There, in the middle of the jungle, was the famous cavern, Mulu Caves. Without hesitation, we entered the dark, gloomy cave. We had been in the cave for three hours and we found nothing. However, just as we were about to give up, we found hundreds of items made out of gold. We colected as much gold as we could to take back home. After an hour of collecting priceless items, we decided to head back to camp. However, the Jovial tiger was blocking our escape. Ahhhhh!
100 Word Challenge-Week 12

Aspen and America were on their second date! They were eating a ham and cheese sandwich when suddendly it grew dark. Aspen brought a flashlight and battery in case something like this happened. He searched the area gingerly hoping to find nothing, but instead he found a white, energetic figure. As Aspen hurried to capture the strange intruder, he tripped and grimaced as he noticed that his ankle was broken. He wanted to continue running but he realized that America was all alone. He quickily limped back and saw that America was nowhere to be found. Where could America be?