Dear Future 8th Graders…
Dear future 8th graders,
Eighth grade is the year where you want to form the habit of studying and working hard, but it is also the year you want to enjoy the most, after all, it will be your last year of middle school. Have fun and enjoy every minute of eight grade but most importantly, succeed. Strive to succeed in all of your classes; take ELA, for example. In ELA, you excel will have activities/assignments such as fashion show, E.L.D., and debate. The best way I found to succeed in these activities/assignments, is to give everything my absolute best.
The fashion show required a lot of hard work, but most importantly it required effort. You can work hard but putting little effort achieves nothing. Actually, without effort, you can’t implement hard work, and without hard work, your assignments turn out to be mediocre. If you think about it, effort is what helps you strive in hard work and success. Putting effort into your descriptions, designs, and poses helps make the fashion a success. The same effort can be applied into E.L.D.
This year, as seventh graders, you were not given the opportunity to participate in E.L.D (Educational Leadership Development). Next year, however, you will have the chance to experience something that can be really amazing. To succeed in E.L.D. you have to try your best to connect with the scholars and teachers you are assigned to. Put in the effort, and trust me the reward is the best thing you could ever ask for. Lastly, I would say debate requires a lot of effort.
Debate in Mr. Hildebrand can be fun but it can also be very serious. For example, you could be debating over whether studying is beneficial or you could be debating a more serious topic, like should drugs be banned in every state? In a debate, you are in a team, if you don’t fulfill your part, you could lead your team to defeat. It is vital that you put in the effort that your teammates do in order to achieve victory.
Eighth grade can be the best year of your life but it can be your downfall academically if you do not put in the effort needed to excel.
100 Word Challenge-Week 28
In the Land of Untold Stories, evil reigns. Every miscreant, forced to live in hovels for the rest of their miserable lives, secretly plot their revenge on those who have the luxury of having a perfecty perfect life. The villains of the Land of Untold Stories plan to destroy everything that is dear to those who live their lives like gods and godesses. Because they lived on a different island with no means of transportation, the scoundrels disguised themselves as trees. However, they weren’t camouflaged as ordinary trees; they gave themselves wooden legs to walk to their destination.
The End.
100 Word Challenge-Week 2
There is a planet outside of our great and vast universe surrounded by hundreds of thousands of stars illuminating the planet, Ophelia. Ophelia is much like planet Earth only instead of having mankind, they have thin trees as man. The planet of Ophelia has gone undisturbed for four hundred years, until humans began to invade their world. The Ophelia’s saw humans as a threat, so the Ophelia’s decided to eliminate all who have stepped foot on Ophelia. Humans, being as curious as always, had no idea that the planet had any sign of living creatures, until one was lying dead.
100 Word Challenge-Week 1
Its been twenty-three years since the villainous Dr. Isabella Lankanotvitch turned Jimmy and his parent’s into stone. Jimmy and his parent’s stand in front of the Grand Houston Opera as a family of statues.
“Mom, don’t you hate it when people think they can sit on you like you’re nothing?”asked Jimmy. ”
“Why yes I do. Do you want to know what’s worse?” Mom asked Jimmy.
“Sure.” he replied.
” Being treated like a trash can. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times people have placed they’re nasty gum on me. Oh how I wish I was human again.”
100 Word Challenge-Week 13
The year was 1872, my team and I were traveling through the Jungles of Borneo. There, in the middle of the jungle, was the famous cavern, Mulu Caves. Without hesitation, we entered the dark, gloomy cave. We had been in the cave for three hours and we found nothing. However, just as we were about to give up, we found hundreds of items made out of gold. We colected as much gold as we could to take back home. After an hour of collecting priceless items, we decided to head back to camp. However, the Jovial tiger was blocking our escape. Ahhhhh!
100 Word Challenge-Week 12

Aspen and America were on their second date! They were eating a ham and cheese sandwich when suddendly it grew dark. Aspen brought a flashlight and battery in case something like this happened. He searched the area gingerly hoping to find nothing, but instead he found a white, energetic figure. As Aspen hurried to capture the strange intruder, he tripped and grimaced as he noticed that his ankle was broken. He wanted to continue running but he realized that America was all alone. He quickily limped back and saw that America was nowhere to be found. Where could America be?
100 Word Challenge – Week 9
Long ago, in the city of London, lived Adamaris, a young girl who possessed the ability to see the unimaginable. Adamaris was able to see the spirits roaming the vast streets of London. She could only see the them in the eerie, darkness of the night; the spirits shone brighter than any celestial body in the sky. With her vibrant emerald eyes, Adamaris examined all the spirits. Some were lost and confused while others wanted vengeance on those still living. One of the spirits who was full of vengeance was her friend Alicia. Suddenly Alicia and Adamaris had vanished.
100 Word Challenge- Week 8
On July 1, 1982, Laura celebrated her thirteenth birthday not knowing it was her last. She and her friends had gone swimming at Shadow Lake in the dark, eerie forest. Laura’s friends gave her the best present; they filled the somber sky with white, beautiful fireworks. When Izzy, Laura’s friend, lit the last firework, the embers fell gradually on the vibrant, green grass. The embers turned into huge walls of fire turning the once calm forest turbulent. There’s no telling whether the girls will live to see tomorrow.
Sadly, Laura and her friends were never heard of again after the fire calmed.
100 Word Challenge- Week 7
It was the year 1945 and I had gone trick-or-treating with my friends. Before the clock stricked twelve I managed to get seperated from the group. So, after hours of searching for the group, I found a strange,withering house. I knocked on the door but no one answered. Then, as I turned around the door opened in a brusque manner. I foolishly entered and the door slammed!
As the door slammed, I knew the house was haunted. I thought I was alone but later came the excrutiating shrieks of a tortured soul. I realized I evoked an angry spirit.

100 Word Challenge- Week 6
Twenty Years Later, teen’s murder still a mystery
In the summer of 1987, a young, sweet boy named Michael was found dead in Riverdale’s well known river, Sweetwater River. Police searched for clues left uncovered in the woods and in the tranquil river. When they returned to the station with no evidence, they decided to investigate the people of Riverdale. However, each towns folk had an alibi which made it more difficult to solve the mystery of poor Michael’s death. This made the police wonder if whether the crime scene was either an accident or the work of a smooth criminal. After three months, the case became cold.